best blog yet!

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I agree!

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Thank you, Judith!

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A wonderful article!

It is true that lack of opportunities often hinders us, but I have nevertheless noticed that happiness increases with age - when we embrace change and enter into opportunities.

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This could be a 10-part series!

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Wayne, let's hope not.

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Or a feature film! 😊

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I agree! Like Richard Osman with more oomph! 👍

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I kind of equate ‘ act my age’ with making trouble…or as John Lewis used to say ‘ make good trouble’. It is time for us of a certain age to defend the rights many of us have worked so hard for over the years….even if they may be controversial for some. …a 40 hour work week, the right to marry who we want, a safe work environment, the right to live where we want, etc. We, of a certain age, won’t go back. We need to protect our lives and our planet and its resources for those we care bout.

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I've always had a silly streak and I see no reason not to keep enjoying it and inflicting it upon my friends.

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Wendl, good for you!

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I'm with Kathy Glennon. The current dispensation makes lightheartedness tough to sustain. Maybe we need to be the fighters. I dare you to mess with my Medicare!

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Kathy and Susie, you're both right. Be of good courage.

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I fully intend to wear miniskirts at 80. Other than that, I celebrate everything in this fantastic manifesto! This would do well as Essay #1 in your collection.

#AgePlayfully #AgeWell #NotOverNotOut

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Thanks, Stella!

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Great post, Don. But you knew I would love it.😀

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Annette, obviously I'm on your wavelength.

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I will do my very best. Great reminder!!

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Thanks, Alice!

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“Age is a linear construct designed to box us into neat categories that don’t reflect the multidimensional truth of who we are, individually or collectively.” I love this 💙💛 And I dont know if I am ageing disgracefully...I am just living my life as long as it lasts. And I am not going to squeeze myself into anyone else´s box!

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Kati, that's the spirit!

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