We really must keep that Helen Mirren quotation in circulation! Thanks for adding your experience in comparing two cultures that seem identical on many points but do in fact diverge. Americans tend to be insular and don't see that our own culture is not the norm across the globe.

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Thanks for that testimonial!

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I wish I could say I'm happy to give it! One lovely thing about writing, and I'm so sorry to say this, is not having to deal with random strangers in person, especially those who feel free to be gratuitously rude just because I'm in their vicinity. It's amazing.

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Solid analysis of women's invisibility and how to prevent or mitigate it. I learned the "make yourself appear bigger" idea several months ago & have been using it in my apartment bldg's elevator. I definitely have perceived a change in how men and younger people greet or respond to me.

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Spot on. Growing up in the UK has always helped me, because I had role models from among the WWII generation, including highly educated women who didn't give a damn what they looked like. But the sexism and, indeed, misogyny of the US in 2023 is staggering, and combined with ageism, it's beyond infuriating. I was glad, Don, that you brought up the problem that women who don't act like doormats are labeled aggressive, attacked for the same assertive qualities that win men praise. Certainly describes my experience. It's painful beyond belief when women of all ages cooperate with patriarchy in keeping us subjugated and silent. And young women often are loaded with attention and praise for all the wrong reasons, something they seldom figure out until it's too late for them, too. It's a problem that crosses the political spectrum. I hope Usrey's work gets much attention. Thank you, Don, for leading on this. Meanwhile, I remain incandescent with rage, and am done taking crap. As Helen Mirren said, I wish that, when I was younger, I'd told more people to fuck off.

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