Ditto to all of it!

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Don, your story is a real learning opportunity for us all. Thank you for sharing this. A couple years ago my friend went for her yearly eye exam & mentioned she had lost some peripheral vision, which she assumed was due to age (mid-70s.) The ophthalmologist sent her immediately to a specialist b/c she suspected it was actually a stroke that had caused the vision loss - and the eye doctor turned out to be correct.

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Wow. Thank you for adding that advisory.

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Don, I see what you mean.

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Outa sight!

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At age 83, I gave up the day driving, too. I mourn the loss of independence and relish the freedom of not having to drive.

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Yes, such a mixed blessing. How great it must be to be so rich and so important that you can demand to be chauffeured everywhere ;)

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Great article Don! I laughed, empathized, was informed and warned, and know what to look forward to. Luckily I live downtown and try to walk everywhere, even long distances at night. But I too have to pick someone up at the airport at night sometimes...

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Thank you, Alice!

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Great advice well delivered again, Don. Thank you!

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If you can't see well enough at night to drive, you may have "age-related" cataracts. Especially if, in that darkness, headlights look like giant, blinding asterisks. If you can't read the road signs in broad daylight, while wearing corrective eyeglasses, you, too, may have "age-related" cataracts.

But there's a miracle cure--cataract surgery, which gives you brighter, clearer vision than you ever had!

I'll let you know how my surgery turns out. Sometime next year.

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Good luck! My eye doctor says my cataracts are in the very early stage, so I have that to look forward to!

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I haven't driven at night in years. The biggest issue for me is being dependent. I don't mind it, but there's a little voice in my head that says I'm supposed to mind it.

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That little voice has no standing.

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Don, I hear you in driving at night, but my first reaction is that you need a new mechanic. The minute they start adding services you didn't come in for, run. They see you coming, as Brits say.

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Annette, I agree 100%. I'm looking.

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Find one women recommend! We're used to finding people who don't do this nonsense.

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Great suggestion!

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