Don I think about this issue all the time. Thank you for writing about it.

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Once again..hitting the nail on the head. We moved to an active 55+ community but we are both well aware that at some point we may need more…..for now….it works. I don’t shovel the snow ( unless I want to for the dogs). Don’t mow the lawn. I don’t weed. That being said…..nothing is in walking distance as far as the store etc. it’s those decision points….and timing…and hoping for a combination of prudence and dumb luck.

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Prudence and dumb luck - I think that's the most realistic assessment yet.

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I agree with you - planning ahead is key.

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Your emphasis on timing is profound. Because we are a society who finds aging and dying issues somewhat taboo, most people attend to the many issues you raise at the last minute. And I find that people like us are considered pessimistic or maudlin. But you are so right in all the issues that you raise. Bravo!

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Thank you, Judith!

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Climate (unstable at best) is a key factor for us. This is the second winter we've been in northern California (Minnesota mid-April thorough November) and we find it very cold. Half our blended family is here and it has many advantages but we're really struggling with the cold and damp. Starting to consider THREE locations with someplace really warm for December and January but that's a lot of moving around. May not be able to pull that off.

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If they really loved you, wouldn't they have moved somewhere warmer?

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Appreciate your making this craziness into something humorous. Touché.

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Wonderful article at the crux of the challenge of living at home.

Don- I invite you to explore my blog on a the same subject: https://concertoconsulting.brummettarchitects.com/

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Your Hanai House sounds like a great solution. How many exist?

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One guy I know is in a memory care facility. He is an introvert. He hates communal meals but having meals delivered to his room costs more money than he has so he suffers through connecting with others, which many geez docs say is critical for well being. Just another dynamic to think about I while trying to polish those golden years, just sayin’.

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Re-locating, like comedy, is all about the timing. I've often read that most people wait too long to make the decision or even to anticipate the possibility of a move down the line. Courage!

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We just developed the concept this fall, following a research project we did for a client on the needs of frail elders living at home. None exist yet. We would like to get a pot project going

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