Wow! And I thought I was being radical!

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Wait, is that directed to me, Don? :) I don't think of myself as radical at all, but conservative: I

recall how things were a few decades ago. Also, given all the evidence, it's hard to think otherwise!

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Agree. And also time to abandon the working assumption, grounded in the New Deal, that current powers that be have any sort of goodwill for the public. A political system that elevates people to power and money via corporate campaign contributions (regardless of party label) is one that rewards greed and fear of missing out among politicians, not care for the common good. The incentives are all for asset-stripping what's left of the middle class. The wearing-down of Medicare, so much more effective than a direct attack, is, unfortunately, an excellent example.

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Thank you for writing this! This has been a concern of mine for some time.

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healthcare for profit was another gift from mr. nixon. prior to that, we only had the non-profit blue cross blue shields in every state. in alabama, we are apparently so corrupt that the AL BCBS got our legislature to change the law a few years ago so that we could not know how much the top earners make at BCBS. they didn't want us to see the millions that they get while increasing premiums. but for anyone who is retired from the fed or the military, you get very good supplemental insurance to go along for the co-pays for medicare. if you take out the private insurances, the costs drop to about 3% for admin part of the insurance. right now, it's 20% which is a flaw in the ACA. the ACA required that 80% of the premiums be spent on direct services. so once upon a time, they could take as much as 100% of your premium to play with and put in their pockets. but per the ACA, can only use the 20% of the premiums which is why the cost of premiums shot up. that's an unfortunate flaw that could be resolved several ways. but until we get money out of politics, those with the dough will be the ones making the decisions for the rest of us.

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I have the solution. It's so obvious. Don't get sick. Ever. You're welcome.

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It would be a disaster of the first order. Thanks for addressing it.

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Great article. I hope millions read it and act!

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Thank you. Pass it on.

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Now I'm really worried. And you'd be amazed by the number of people who are so anti-government that they think all privatization is a good thing and is cheaper and more efficient.

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Facts notwithstanding.

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Thank you for adding that information. It rings true with what I've read.

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A sound plan!

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It's a comment on the limits of political discourse in the U.S. If I expressed views like that, I would be branded a Bolshevik. Just sayin'.

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