You did an admirable job of gathering the loose ends of this somewhat slippery subject into a very clear, persuasive presentation. Thank you for linking to my Substack seventysomething. I have one small bone to pick. When you talk about mindfulness, you mention "forcing the speeding thoughts in your brain to be still." In my experience, "forcing" is just what you don't want to do. What do you think?

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You caught me. "Gently persuading" probably works better than "force." I'll have to try it and see.

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Wise words, Don. I think the fast-paced “living” of my parents’ generation and our generation (running hither-thither on the activity-go-round with our kids) has not helped with everyone’s mental health issues. It may not have been the cause, but it has exacerbated the situation. In my opinion, slowing down is a healthy approach to living.

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I agree. I think stress can be the extra tablespoon of salt that shoots you over the top.

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Enjoyed your article Don, thanks.

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