Jul 6Liked by Don Akchin

Good reminders. When we built our new home in maine six short years ago we chose to install air conditioning, even though some folks said it would be unnecessary ( and being from MA we knew it was not likely to get used much). However, even though we don’t use it a lot, when we do need it, it is nice to have. Often we use it to cool down the house as well as to provide some relief for our two golden retrievers. Often, a little goes a long way.

Good reminders for all of us …..that we can’t always do what we used to be able to on a hot, sunny day. Take care.

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Thanks, Kathy. In light of recent events, Maine must be looking like an astute choice.

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Jul 6Liked by Don Akchin

Such good information & smart advice. Usually we don't know what our limits are until we exceed them....then, uh-oh. Listen and respond to your body in the heat, even if your brain is whispering you're the same person you've always been.

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Thanks, Wendl. Stay cool!

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I love your final comment---dont pick a fight with mother nature etc. Good meme to remember and write on my forehead.

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124 degrees in Palm Springs on the Fourth of July!

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Jul 6Liked by Don Akchin

I’m thinking about family in Phoenix where it’s 110+ for days on end. How do they handle the heat? So far I have learned that some treat summer like northerners treat winter. Stay inside. If climate change continues on its radical path, what does that spell for many of us?

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I think it spells catastrophe for the power grid.

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There have been problems here in France with older hikers (and some younger ones) underestimating the dangers of tackling medium-length hikes in even moderate heat. Some have had to be airlifted out.

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Jul 6Liked by Don Akchin

Your title made me laugh! And then, it made me think. First, I went back to the original Martha & the Vandellas' lyrics and tune, which made the summer of '64 so special to me. Next, I started composing a "borrowed" poem, replacing the original word "dancing" with your brilliant word "melting." Not sure if my poem will go anywhere, but it's been a great indoor exercise for my brain. Lastly, my aging body is acutely aware of how much hotter Baltimore summers are! I'm grateful to have A/C. As a Bmore native, summer was never my favorite season. Now, it's even less so. Thanks for writing another excellent post.

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Thank you, Jackie, and thank you for putting in the intellectual exercise to continue the lyrics. I hope you kept your exercise indoors and cooled down.

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Just came in from a 35 minute walk. It was pure agony and I felt bad I couldn't walk for a longer period of time. BUT I don't want to collapse on the sidewalk and force my kids to come looking for me so, I cut it short. Good advice as always, Don. Thank you!

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Gravity and humidity are not our friends. It's smart to recognize this.

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