You aware of bvFTD?

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Not unless it has something to do with florists.

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It’s a newly identified human problem. Dementia with peculiar traits. Sneaky, hard to detect. Symptoms only apparent to friends and family, not person afflicted. It’s: behavioral varient fronto temporal dementia. Watch out for it. There are major academic/medical institutions across the country studying it. UCSF (Univ of California San Francisco) is a leader in the study of it but there are many more.

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That does sound intriguing. Thanks very much for the tip!

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Hey Don — Excellent interview with Gina. You asked incisive questions and kept the conversation lively and focused. But I was astonished— and a bit dismayed— that you’ve lost your accent! When I heard your introduction to the podcast, I said: Interesting, Don’s hired a professional announcer, and a Yankee at that. Congrats on a job well done, y’all.

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It seems to be in the ear of the beholder.

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Reading these articles over coffee is becoming part of my Saturday morning routine. This article is of particular interest to me because it sums up the behaviour of a couple of loved-ones. It can be really frustrating when you’re interacting with people who are hyper focused on their own passions yet restless, fidgety and distracted with yours. Knowing there’s good reason for that helps. Thanks, Don.

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Thank you, Rosemary. I'm glad it rings true.

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