A well-deserved break from a job well done. Sending you warm holiday wishes for a cool Yule.

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Thank you, my friend. It is a joy and a comfort to have you in the cheering section. Merry Christmas!

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Don, thank you so much for the messages you’ve shared this year. Consistently enlightening and challenging, I look forward to every instalment. Can’t wait to re-engage with you in 2022!

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Thank you, my friend. I too look forward to our re-engagement!

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Wishing you all the joys of the season...a very happy new year filled with creativity.

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Thank you, Susie, for the great contributions you are making to this project. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and work with you. All the best to you and your family in 2022.

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Likewise, Don. A very creative collaboration.

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