Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Don Akchin

Great idea. It’s something one might also do a lot earlier, like at 10 or 20 years after starting adulthood. It would give more time to reap the benefits if that self reflection.

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True. But introspection doesn't come easily for everyone.

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This is such a great idea and something I’ve been pondering lately as I try to figure out what to do with the rest of my life!

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Congrats on 50 years! I love the idea of a life review in advance of a big milestone.

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Scrapbooks and writing poems or stories about you life and those of your family and ancestors can be a really life affirming examination. Writing on my substack page, Ring Around the Basin, motivates me to use life stories on a regular basis.

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I can't say that I've done this for my personal life--at least, not yet--but I remember the day that, as I put my resume together, I retrospectively realized that my career list read like an actual path, which had been totally haphazard as it was happening.

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Sep 7Liked by Don Akchin

Such an important topic! Cudos to you for approaching it. 🧐🧐🧐

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Thanks, Wayne. Really enjoyed your celebration of all things tomato.

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Of course you already know eating nice heirloom tomatoes 🍅 🍅🍅 helps you live with purpose and joy, don’t cha’?

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I love the conclusion you and your wife arrived at. It's a wonderful undertaking to do together...quite different in its implications from doing it alone.

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Thanks, Susie.

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I often feel that my life isn't the life I intended for myself before I came into this earthly realm and I blame that on ...my Mother...(kinda of joking)

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But hopefully you reserve the right to change your mind.

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yes of course though it's complicated!

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What a wonderful idea for a 50th Anniversary project.

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