LIke Susie, writing does that for me - I can get lost for hours in the process of writing and then in the process of editing.

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Only minutes for me. I'm more a sprinter than a marathon man.

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Writing does it for me like no other activity. If I had to describe how this works, I would say that when I initially sit down to write, I don't edit at all. Editing is a different function and works fine after flow. Thanks, Don.

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TM (transcendental meditation) when practiced regularly, helps with flow. It’s different than mindfulness practice. But i do agree when you get to that state it’s bliss.

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Good to know!

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Susie, I agree completely. The internal editor needs to be told when to butt out.

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Similarly, the paradox that creativity is greatly enhanced by discipline.

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Interesting that an unstructured state called “flow” is, in fact, achievable by predictable efforts.

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