I feel very lucky that I figured things out for my retirement. I feel like I am walking into the best years of my life. I am creative, I challenge myself, and I’m productive but much less stressed. I know what I value and how to prioritize things in my life. I know I want to make a difference in the lives of others — my family, friends, and people in the larger community. What I want guides the decision-making process for what I take on. I appreciate the luxury of thinking of myself first. Now I only do those things that contribute to how I want to feel and say ‘no’ to many people without regret.

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Wow! I had no idea Retirement Coach was a thing! Thank you for telling me about it. I see such a need for this. I know lots of people who would probably be enjoying their retirement more if they'd had a coach.

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And you're not a retirement coach because . . . ?

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