I feel very lucky that I figured things out for my retirement. I feel like I am walking into the best years of my life. I am creative, I challenge myself, and I’m productive but much less stressed. I know what I value and how to prioritize things in my life. I know I want to make a difference in the lives of others — my family, friends, and people in the larger community. What I want guides the decision-making process for what I take on. I appreciate the luxury of thinking of myself first. Now I only do those things that contribute to how I want to feel and say ‘no’ to many people without regret.

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Would that we all could figure it out as clearly as you have!

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I haven't figured everything out! Since you have put more thought into this than I have, I would like to ask if you think men have a harder time then women retiring?

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What I am seeing is that the dividing line is not by gender but by whether one plans ahead or walks in blind. The latter spend more time lost and dazed and figuring it out. Eventually most of them do get there.

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Wow! I had no idea Retirement Coach was a thing! Thank you for telling me about it. I see such a need for this. I know lots of people who would probably be enjoying their retirement more if they'd had a coach.

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And you're not a retirement coach because . . . ?

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I just play one on a podcast.

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Young man, you might want to get all your wisdom certified as one!

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