Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Don Akchin

This is grand, it really is, Don. But please don't shift The Endgame into relentlessly "positive" mode! Everytime I find myself in a Zoom meeting with grinning "everything is awesome" millennials*, I want to slap them. This joyfully curmudgeonly Brit values all your "heads up" news and advice as I sail wonkily toward my sixties! *P.S. Gen Z seem to be emerging as more my kind of people😂

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Fear not, Annette. I'm a grateful geezer, but no Pollyanna.

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Well said, as always, Don. The freedom to write exactly what I want to write (as opposed to the tech writing I did for decades) is something I'll be grateful for every day, as long as it lasts. Right now I'm on a writing retreat in the Outer Banks organizing the best of my blogs into book #6 (Book #5, "Write & Sell a Well-Seasoned Romance," is in production for launch this summer). And all those other sources of gratitude you name are very real too. Nothing is perfect, but this phase of life comes damned close.

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Stella, you're an inspiration to me.

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Jun 8Liked by Don Akchin

Thanks for the reminders. I have some replacement parts and am scheduled for another but am so thankful there are replacement parts….my grandmother didn’t have the luxury.

Continue to be well and so what you love.

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Thanks, Kathy. Good luck with the surgery.

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Good health, sufficient income, loving companionship. Good fortune rains down on us both.

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Forgot to add meaningful activity, by which I mean writing.

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Jun 8Liked by Don Akchin

Terrific piece. I'm going to sit down and write down the reasons I'm happy to be older! And I love being 67 and I'm really looking forward to my seventh decade too.

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Thanks, Karen. You seem to be doing everything right.

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Jun 8Liked by Don Akchin


I have always enjoyed your dry humour, of which this piece is a good example.



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Thanks, Jet!

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Jun 10Liked by Don Akchin

It’s like you’re in my head! I feel that a lot of this contentment has to do with having a long, happy marriage. A marriage where we were best friends, talked about anything, and never tired of each other’s company. My husband of 47 years died last August, and although I miss him terribly, I am still relatively content. Thanks for a enjoyable article.

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Thanks for adding your experience to the conversation. I think a successful marriage has a very positive effect on life satisfaction.

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Don, you always nail it. Even with all the turmoil in my life, I’m grateful for my “portion.” It could be worse, but my family and friends are healthy and I have the most wonderful husband. I’m blessed in so much ways. Nice piece!

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Thank you, Susan! I'm happy that it resonates for you, even in the chaos you gracefully glide through.

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Lovely piece. I feel the same way, and very grateful, indeed!

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Jun 8Liked by Don Akchin

Really good!

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Jun 8Liked by Don Akchin

Good for you!

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Thank you. I wish you the same.

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We are blessed and lucky.

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Thanks, John!

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