Jan 9, 2023Liked by Don Akchin

All good points to know, but Florida? NEVER!!!

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Been there. Done that.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Don Akchin

And, my mostly bald head radiates a lot of heat.

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Yes! Keep your hat on.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Don Akchin

Great article! It’s also a good reminder to check on our more senior neighbors and friends ( in colder climates) when their is a power loss. Folks can develop hypothermia in their own homes. Such fatalities are unfortunately too common. Keep writing. I enjoy it and am learning to manage retirement.

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Thanks, Kathy! You're right about checking in with older neighbors and friends. You don't need freezing temperatures to get hypothermia, unfortunately.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Don Akchin

OMG! This. While I love Colorado and our daughters and grandson are here, I find myself saying: "I understand why older people move to warm climates." I know, stereotypical, right for an advocate for ending ageism?

I have blankets in every seating area, and always want a fire in the fireplace. And I'm NOT going outside when it's below freezing. Thanks for another spot on article, Don!

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Thanks, Janine. My wife says her condition has to do with the type of aruvedic body she has. I wouldn't know.

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I'm hot. My wife is not. This comes into play when we have to decide on what temperature to set the thermostat, several times a year, or when we ride in the car together with her sporting layers and gloves and me taking layers off. It all works out because we compromise. I'm hoping the U.S. Congress reads The EndGame.

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Ha! Would that it were so. I think the only answer is for each individual to choose his/her layers appropriately.

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