I love the After Work -concept! I also love Jimmy Carter, who I had the privilege of meeting in Maputo, Mozambique, in the mid-90s. He was swimming in the Hotel Polana swimming pool when I went there for my morning swim and wished me good morning. I have never forgotten it. He was so kind and friendly <3

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Kati, thanks for that great personal anecdote!

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This is a wonderful article. I always thought Carter got cheated in that election, but it's past and the principle characters are all gone now. It was profound what he accomplished afterward. It was like his Presidency was not so much a culmination of his career, but an introduction to the wider world for him to serve, using talents he could not have used in the Oval Office.

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Sue, well said!

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Thanks for lifting up our beloved Jimmy. Revered in death as he was regrettably not in life.

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After those of us leave a full-time paid and/or unpaid position there is a period of adjustment. Whether you worked outside the home or in the home and now have a partner to help you with daily chores this may be the perfect time to readjust who does what. I absolutely love that my husband enjoys cooking and is a creative and an excellent cook. I don't mind cleaning up, it something I do naturally. Once we are past the duties of daily living there are those hours where we can choose to be helpful to others, pursue a hobby or try something new. For those of you who enjoyed your years of work I suggest taking that experience and expanding upon it. As a former teacher and coach I loved helping students find an activity they enjoyed. When the weather allows, I invite my community to join me on the tennis court. I love the wide range of ages and abilities that join in the fun. I also am embracing the nonprofit I co-founded, letsplayamerica.org by pursuing play projects. I leave you with my favorite quote by George Bernard Shaw, "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."

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Good words!

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Thanks, JoEllen!

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Jimmy Carter seems to be a role model for the Age-ing to Sage-ing plan, doesn't he?

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Janice, he does indeed. Thanks.

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